677- Module 4: Graphic Design
Hello Class, I have always been not only a visual learner but a live my life through visuals. Because of this, and the fact that I teach biology which lends well to visual learning, I place a lot of time and effort into graphic design. I really care about how visually appealing the content I deliver is for the students, especially in today's tech heavy/visual heavy world. I also critique how visually appealing student's projects are, and often make it a significant aspect of their grade. Whenever I make a new assignment, I spend a lot of time looking at it from the student perspective. Not just making sure it has clear and accurate instructions, or that it can be differentiated for different learners, but also to make sure it is visually appealing. In fact, I will admit that I am a bit of a graphic designer snob! When I use materials from other educators or sources online, I often need to "enhance" them with graphic design. This could ...