Module 1: Engaging and Effective Learning

Module 1: Engaging and Effective Learning

Hello Class,

After viewing the resources provided I clicked over to a website that I was very familiar with, Ted Ed.  I use these lecture presentations a lot in anatomy as well as biology because I can often find authentic examples of how their curriculum is utilized in real life.  If you find a video that shows application of the content, and at the same time has a good speaker, they don't always unfortunately, you can really grab the kids' attention. 

In reviewing the website as far as how engaging and effective it is as a teaching tool, I have to give it pretty high marks.  One of the tools I read about in this module was triggering prior knowledge.  I utilize this tool often in my classroom as I think it is critical to engage students.  Ted Ed does an amazing job of this when used as a curriculum enhancement tool.  One example of this is the Ted Ed on David Blaine breaking the "holding your breath" record.  When I show this episode, knowing my audience, I know they all know him as a magician but probably have no idea that he held a pretty interesting world record.  The episode often refers to their prior knowledge on the anatomy and physiology of the respiratory system .  There are many moments during the 17 minute video in which I can pause the video and ask my students why is that happening to his body? 

Getting students to feel like they are applying their knowledge to an authentic example shown in the Ted Ed videos is so effective because you can see them apply what you wanted them to learn.  That is the basic definition of effective learning according to this module. 

The Ted Ed website has some weaknesses as well in my opinion.  There is a lot going on with the main page.  If you don't know exactly what you are looking for, it can be more difficult to find than if you just go to YouTube and search for the exact video.  I would probably change the heading on the page to include topic based categories. This way, if you were searching or just interested in a specific topic, like technology, you could just click on that heading. 

With that being said, the site does do a good job of being visually appealing, and does have a variety of topics shown without having to scroll or click any further to draw in the casual website surfer.  Right away, I was drawn to a video called "Save the Oceans, Feed the World" and I took a break from this assignment and watched that video.  In that case, I guess the main page was engaging enough to draw me in because of my previous knowledge, as well as my interests as a viewer.

Overall, I would rate Ted Ed in general, as well as their website, as an effective e-tool for engaging students in effective learning.  I will continue to use these videos in my classroom due to how authentic they are to the students.   This is due to the videos often promoting students to apply previous knowledge to figure out real life issues or circumstances. 

Thank you,



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