Hello Class,

Sorry for the late discussion post, just got back yesterday from a great week+ road trip to the east coast with the family.
One thing that I have really been working on in my Anatomy class for the past 2 years is to try and make it more authentic to the students.  Sure, we do 5-6 dissection labs and get the opportunity to go to Loyola and Midwestern University for human cadaver experiences, but unfortunately the nature of an anatomy class is a lot of "sit and get".  One way I have attempted to get around this is by using patient simulations as a means of an authentic assessment of their knowledge. 
The students see a number of patients that have issues with the specific system we are studying by viewing their patient files. These files are available online at my google site.  After viewing these files they can use their notes and medical journal articles provided to do some research online to diagnose these patients.  The formative assessment aspect of this type of assignment is that in order to understand the medical journals, students must have a firm grasp on the key terms I want them to know for the unit.  Medical journals assume readers are versed in basic anatomy, so in order to diagnose the patients, students must come into the article with basic knowledge of the system being effected. 
This quiz I created on ProProfs quiz maker can be found below:
It is a basic online quiz that prompts students to diagnose each of the 16 patients in the patient files and give an explanation as to how they came to that diagnosis. I will attach a copy of the patient files as well as 1 of the 16 medical journals that are available to students.
The main goal of this assessment is to use authentic examples to check for understanding of basic key terms.  It also is a nice break from typical multiple choice quizzes you see in anatomy class.  This will force the students to get engaged with every patient, do some research, apply previous knowledge, and really display that they understand the material.  In the future I could see adding a peer review aspect to the quiz where students could compare their diagnosis in a board meeting kind of activity.  I can just picture now a bunch of high school students sitting around a table constantly saying "I concur with your diagnosis". 
Thank you,


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