Module 6 discussion

Module 6 discussion:

When I thought about making a new RLO for my class, I asked myself what is something students struggle with that a video or screen cast could help them as a reference.  I also wanted to make a resource that they could go to any time throughout the year, an important quality in a RLO.  Lastly, I wanted to provide a tool that  other educators in my department could benefit from by using in in their class or molding to fit their needs. 

My classes, and school have chosen to rely heavily on google as our online platform for… pretty much everything.  I started with a google classroom, and then quickly switched to a google site for both of my classes.  Although maybe not considered a Learning Management System, as mentioned in the resources this week, I think it does a pretty good job along with the help of eSchool plus and Atlas programs of managing our online content for the class.

This RLO is probably the most important RLO I could do for the year as it teaches students exactly how to utilize our google site.  It is critical to understand how to access required documents as well as beneficial to know that you can use the site for review, find missing and absent work, as well as send emails to the teachers. 

Here is a RLO screencast on how to use the site.  The screencast is also available at all times on the google site in case the students need a refresher.

Biology Google site RLO:




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