EEND 675 Module 1 Discussion

Hello Class,

I teach Biology and Anatomy at Waubonsie Valley High School and was part of the curriculum writing team for the district that adopted the Next Gen Science Standards for our new curriculum.  I see a lot of overlap between the NGSS standards and those provided for technology through ISTE.  In fact, I think that is what has made NGSS such a great resource for curriculum because it isn't just about the standards, but also includes how do you apply those essential ideas through engineering practices.  These engineering practices line up well with the ISTE standards and are what I will discuss about in this blog. 

I have decided to focus on our Patterns of Inheritance unit in Biology.  One of the NGSS engineering practices that students need to master is the 3rd engineering practice: apply concepts of statistics and probability to scientific and engineering questions and problems, using digital tools when feasible. (HS -LS3-3).  The two tools that students use to learn this skill are punnett squares and pedigrees.  They are used to figure out genetic probabilities of genetic traits for future offspring.   We use an amazing online Open Educational Resource called the Genetics Learning Lab.  In this lab student are able to interact and manipulate different genes or alleles and analyze the outcomes.  To me, it is a great example of using technology to model the engineering practice mentioned previously in this paragraph. With our school's adoption of a 1:1 model this year, I really focus on these engineering practices when planning my lessons.  I don't want to just provide paper worksheets on google classroom and "call it a day".  I want to utilize the Chromebooks to work and manipulate the material to truly make it an interactive experience.  That is where the ISTE standards really help both students and educators know what skills and experiences should be focused on to promote technological literacy.  

One of these standards that I felt really overlapped with the NGSS standards I utilize already was ISTE student standard 6c (Students communicate complex ideas clearly and effectively by creating or using a variety of digital objects such as visualizations, models or simulations.) The punnett square simulations mentioned previously do a nice job of not only promoting engineering skills outlined in NGSS, but also promoting technology skills outlined in ISTE student standard 6c.  Students are required to minipulate models using simulations to show they understand genetic probability.  

In Summary, I think this class will really help me not only incorporate ISTE standards in my classroom, but also understand the connection between technology standards and those provided by the framework of NGSS.  I look forward to our move to 1:1 instruction and the advantages of using technology as a tool to drive the essential understandings. 


ISTE Standards FOR STUDENTS. (n.d.). Retrieved August 23, 2017, from

Next Gen Science Standards. High School 9-12. Retrieved August 23rd, 2017, from

Genetics Learning Lab. Retrieved August 23rd, 2017 from


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