EEND 675 Module 3 Discussion

Hello Class,

Wow, this week really made me think about how much I rely on technology not only to deliver my lessons, but also to organize my time here at school.  I thought about writing about my google site which houses all my lessons and a calendar for students to access but though everyone already knows about that tool.  I then thought about Mastery Manager which helps me not only deliver assessments but also helps me collect data and trends to reshape my future teaching but another student in our class covered that tool well.  I settled on a tool I use almost everyday in my class to communicate with my students called REMIND.

Remind is an app/ website that does exactly what the name says.  It is a tool that gives the teacher the ability to "safely" contact all of their students, athletes, or even parents through kids most comfortable method of communication.... Text.  With remind, you are able to set up a class that students can join when given the pass number and class code.  They go to their text service on their phone and send a message to a number with your code and then are magically added to your class.  Once part of your class they can receive text messages safely from their teacher without either party knowing each other's phone number.

I have used this for both my biology class and anatomy class, but have also used it as a tennis coach as well as a way for our science dept. to communicate with each other.  I usually will "remind" my students about upcoming tests, quizzes, labs or alternative classrooms for special lessons.  It is also a great tool to send neat Youtube videos for them to watch at home for review or send them links to practice problems.  If you are a coach it is a great tool to keep athletes and parents in the loop about locations, pick-up times, or rain delays.  Really the tool can be used to "remind" your students just about anything!

Another interesting application of Remind for me has been during class field trips.  When we go on field trips there is a button you can click on in the app that gives teachers the ability to make rosters, and allow students to contact you during the field trip in case of an emergency.  This came into play for me on my last field trip.  A student was pushed by a chaperone from another school and their phone fell into the Tropic World Exhibit at Brookfield Zoo.  Long story short, the police were involved and were able to contact me through Remind on another students phone.

Overall, Remind is a great digital tool that can increase an educators productivity and make it easy to contact students while using their favorite means of communication.  One thing to consider is to always have another adult or administrator on your account for safety reasons.  I would highly recommend this app/website to communicate with students, athletes, parents, peers, or even a group of friends.

Thank you ,




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