EEND 676 Module 8: Video Conferencing

Hello class,

Although I have used programs like Screencastify to flip the classroom or had students use their webcams to make WeVideos, I am yet to host or even be a part of Video Conferencing.  I really didn't know exactly what they meant by video conferencing until I watched and read the resource section of this module.  Right away, I began to think of how amazing of a tool this could be for both my biology and Anatomy classes. 

The first application that the video in our resources mentions really got me excited about this tech tool.  I take my students on 6 field trips over the course of the year, but we are limited to Illinois museums or local forest preserves.  Field trips have also become extremely expensive.   The opportunity to conference with other students, classrooms, or professionals from around the world opens so many doors and opportunities.  Can you imagine talking to other classrooms of like-aged students from other countries for a unique perspective on a class topic?  Or speaking to a professional in the field that actually works with endangered species or in the rainforest or coral reef.  For anatomy, what about speaking to medical professionals in various careers that can field and answer questions about the variety of medical careers my students are interested in.  I always say that you can only get so much from a book or documentary, but actually having a conversation with a professional that lives and breathes the topic you are discussing seems extremely powerful. 

The major obstacle I see with this opportunity is finding individuals or classrooms abroad that are willing and able to participate in video conferencing.  How do you go about finding these individuals?  Are there professionals willing and able to give up their time to talk to high school aged students?  The answer to that question is probably yes, but finding these individuals might be the most difficult and time consuming aspect of video conferencing.  Of course, I haven't mentioned all the tech issues that could arise from 1 or both ends of the conversation.

I look forward to hearing about teachers that have experienced video conferencing in the classroom.
Thank you,

Jim Nielsen


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