EEND 677 Module 2 assignment

Module 2: Audio Recording for Fluency and Self-Analysis
Audio Recording:

Great Barrier Reef Grief

For this assignment I decided to read an article from one of my favorite magazines, Coral Magazine.  I often times use the magazine in class for articles about the plight of our coral reefs around the world.  Every Thursday students have an opportunity to earn extra credit by summarizing a current science article in an activity I call “Science in the News”.  I often bring an article as well as I think it is important for students to be exposed to “real” science happening in their world.  Here is my review for my reading of this amazing article.

I’ll be honest, I wasn’t excited to critique my own reading as like most I have never liked my voice recording.  Currently on my 4th day of the Flu, I really didn’t know what to expect.  I was surprised to like the tone of my voice better being sick than I usually do on my recordings.  

When reading non-fiction I think there can be a tendency to read the article kinda flat.  You also don’t want to read the article like you would a fiction piece as that sounds like you are trying to hard.  I thought my expression and volume were good for the type of article I was reading.  I have never had a problem with volume and often have students in the front row ask me why I am talking to loud.  I also seem over excited about material sometimes because I really do have a passion for my content.  LIstening to the reading, I think I did a good job expressing the important aspects of the article and the volume seemed good throughout.

Phrasing was the next category we were supposed to grade ourselves on and this is where I struggled a little.  No excuses here but some of that comes from the fact that I am completely clogged up and struggled getting through some sentences.  Although I don’t think I phrased poorly, I do believe there was a sentence or two where I could tell I was struggling to finish with the punctuation.  I don’t believe I read the piece choppy, and feel it was pretty fluid overall.  

I thought overall the two minutes seemed like I paced well.  Again, I could tell at times I sped up to get to the end of the sentence running out of breath, but not sure the students would even notice.  Listening back to the recording it did feel like a typical conversation, without the other person getting a chance to speak, and I felt overall it was fluid and smooth.  I think my strengths as far as reading to my class lie in expression and passion for the material and my weaknesses in this reading were a few pacing issues at the end of the sentences.  I think maybe I went a bit to fast for struggling readers, that I have in my class, and that would be something to take note of in the future for my videos and recordings.

Thank you for listening,

Jim Nielsen


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