677 Artifact #1: Video Book Trailer or Advertisement

Hello class,

For my first artifact I decided to talk about our Video Trailer assignment that we had to do for Module 4.  I was really excited about this assignment because I use "movie trailers" to get kids pumped up about topics in Biology all the time.  Usually I search YouTube for these videos, but this gave me an opportunity to make one myself!  I decided to use the program WeVideo because it is closely associated with Google and my students have Chromebooks.  Since we don't read full books in Biology class, I decided to make a movie trailer for one of our concepts which is Punnett Squares.

The best part about this assignment, and class in general, is that I have actually been able to utilize these assignments in class already.  I actually sent out this exact assignment via Remind.com to my students to view at home before our first day of Punnett Squares.  I attached the movie trailer to get them excited, and then another Screencast to teach them how to do the squares.  Students came in the next day better prepared to learn because of the "flipped classroom" approach.  No, they didn't have the material mastered, but that isn't the point, they were better ready to learn the material after already being exposed to it via this Trailer or preview. 

I could see using "preview movie trailers" that I create for many future projects.  I could even see myself doing one for the entire course at the beginning of the year to get kids excited about what we were going to discuss!  Furthermore, I could even see sending one to parents for upcoming lessons so they to can get excited about what we do in class!

Link to Punnett Square Trailer:


Link to Content Summary Video:


Thank you,

Jim Nielsen


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