677 Artifact #2: Screencast

Hello Class,

For my second artifact I chose the tech tool that I use the most in my classroom thanks to the St. Francis Masters program which is Screencastify, a google extension.  As part of the assignment I made a video reviewing my experience with screencastify, so for those of you that would rather watch a video here is the link:

 Screen Casting Discussion  .

I really love Screencastify as a tech tool because it is so easy and convenient to utilize in the classroom.  Whether it's used as a tool to deliver a lesson, or used a tool for kids to use to show me what they learned, there really are lots of positive attributes about the tool.  I even learned from others in the class that it is a great tool for communicating with parents.  I can send out a mass email to the parents with a link to my video and they can get a "first hand" explanation from me what is going on in the class or what to look out for in the future. 

Furthermore, with just a little exposure, students pick up how to use Screencastify pretty quickly.  I know because this year I have already used the extension for 3 projects in biology.  Since our school uses google chrome books, screencastify also works really well with their google drive.  It really is a seamless transition for them to upload their videos, share them with me, or include them in a google slide presentation. 

The only limitations or issues I have with screencastify is really with all tech in general.  If a student does not have internet access or issues with their service it be a problem.  Also, it is harder to use for group projects when compared to other google services.  Other than that I would recommend Screencastify and Screen casting in general to all educators.

Thank you,

Jim Nielsen


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