EEND 679 Module 2

EEND 679 Module 2
Jim Nielsen

For this module we were asked to discuss a current formative activity we use in class, and how it could be improved or enhanced with technology.  I decided to look at activities I did this week in my biology and anatomy classes to pick out a formative assessment tool that could be improved or enhanced by a tech tool. 
This week students in my Anatomy class had the opportunity to dissect a heart.  It is a great lab that gives the students a hands on opportunity to view, dissect, and learn about the different structures found in a mammalian heart.  On top of that, I use it as a formative test to see if the students are comfortable with common medical and directional terms.  I don’t use common language with the directions like top, bottom, left, or right.  Instead I assess their understanding of medical terms like superior/inferior, medial/lateral, deep or superficial.  The lab itself is a great tool for assessing their understanding of these terms in a formative manner because it gives them immediate feedback if they are comfortable with the terms.  If not, they know they cannot complete the lab without further studying the material.  It also forces them to be ready for these terms on upcoming summative assessments.  We continue using these directional and medical terms throughout the semester to make sure they become very familiar and comfortable with the terminology. 
Enhancing a lab experience such as a dissection is tough, because it is already so authentic in nature that I can’t think of a better way to experience anatomy.  I did notice that the students cost themselves valuable time if they did not know the terms before they performed the lab.  I warned them of this, but still many students were ill prepared for the lab and didn’t get everything out of the dissection that I was hoping they would.  Because of this, I have decided to use a tech tool the day before to formatively assess, and more importantly prepare them for the lab experience the next day.  I am going to use the tech assessment tool Quizlet in order to better prepare my students.
The day before the lab, I will assess them using quizlet on the terms they will need to know the next day in order to complete the lab.  This will give them a good idea where they stand, and how much additional prep they will need in order to be prepared the next day.  I really have grown to love quizlet, mainly because it forces them to work in groups collaboratively to come up with the answers.  I might even keep them in the same groups for the lab experience the next day, kind of a cool way to make groups.  After they are done taking the quizlet, I will tell them if they weren’t comfortable with all the terminology in the quiz, they better prepare tonight for the lab tomorrow.  This makes the quizlet an excellent formative tool for the students.  Plus, it is fun and competitive which I have found to be great motivators with high school aged students.
In my opinion, online tools for assessment can really help students determine how well they are preparing for formal assessments in the near future.  I think good online tools should include the following in order to be useful in the classroom:
1.       Immediate feedback- students need to learn right away whether they need more preparation to succeed on future formative activities or summative tests.
2.       Engaging- Putting a test online doesn’t make it a good tech assessment.  The assessment must be fun and engaging in my opinion, which is why tools like Quizlet, Kahoot, and Socrative  have been successful in education.
3.       Ease of use-  With any tool it needs to be easy for the instructor to set-up, but maybe more important it has to be easy for the students to utilize.  If they get frustrated just trying to log-on to the assessment, they are less likely to take it seriously, or even participate at all.
I look forward to hearing about the tools that you guys are utilizing or are planning to use!  Thanks in advance.


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