
Showing posts from November, 2018

EEND 679 Module 7 discussion:

Hello class, For this discussion we are supposed to comment on how we utilize data to improve our instruction.   Specifically, how can we use the data to personalize instruction.   Luckily, this has actually been the goal of our PLC (professional learning community) for Biology over the past 2 years.   We make common questions for our assessments, analyze data, and discuss what improvements need to be made as far as instruction is concerned.   Our PLC uses a program called Mastery Manager to collect our data.   This program has been really helpful in allowing us to set what questions we want to collect data and has made it easy to compare among classrooms.   You can easily separate out specific questions, align questions to standards, run data analysis for sub groups, or really any other data piece I can think of…. Specifically, we analyze 10 common questions that we all put on our summative assessments for each unit.   We then discuss wh...

EEND 679 Module 6 Discussion

Hello Class, For this module we are to discuss our experiences with portfolios.  After going through the resources and looking back at my time being a student, I really have great respect for portfolio work in education.  It can be an amazing tool to show growth, and showcase a students talent.  Not just in the typical classes you would think of like Language and Writing or Art Classes.   I really do think I could add a portfolio as part of a unit or maybe a semester.  Looking back at my time being a student, I remember doing a portfolio for the first time in my graduate education classes.  It was a great way to showcase all of my work in one binder.  Now thinking of what a portfolio is, and being a parent now, I realize I was doing portfolios way back in elementary school.  In fact, I am lucky to still have that work in a chest and often go back to admire/laugh at all my art and writing in 1st-5th grade.   I am able to do the s...

EEND 679 Module 5 Discussion: Genius Hour

Hello Class, I have to say that this assignment this week was one of my favorite that I have done over my cousework at USF.  The idea of the Genius hour is.... well genius!!  I love it as a personal activity as well as its application in the classroom.  Getting students excited about what they are learning is sometimes difficult.  But what if we put the ownership on them?  What if they get to pick the topics to get to an end goal that we decide?  Definitely, and interesting idea to explore form both a personal and educational angle. For my genius hour, I used this opportunity to explore a topic that I have been thinking about for awhile now.  Two years ago I watched the documentary, COWSPIRACY, with my wife at home.  I was already making changes in my life to become more environmentally friendly but was looking to do more.  I have to say, this documentary and the research that came afterwards have really changed my life.  I have now ...