EEND 679 Module 7 discussion:
Hello class, For this discussion we are supposed to comment on how we utilize data to improve our instruction. Specifically, how can we use the data to personalize instruction. Luckily, this has actually been the goal of our PLC (professional learning community) for Biology over the past 2 years. We make common questions for our assessments, analyze data, and discuss what improvements need to be made as far as instruction is concerned. Our PLC uses a program called Mastery Manager to collect our data. This program has been really helpful in allowing us to set what questions we want to collect data and has made it easy to compare among classrooms. You can easily separate out specific questions, align questions to standards, run data analysis for sub groups, or really any other data piece I can think of…. Specifically, we analyze 10 common questions that we all put on our summative assessments for each unit. We then discuss wh...