679 Artifact 1: Digital Badge Activity

One of my favorite formative assessment tools we learned about in this class was the digital badges.  I have a little experience with this as my son’s cub scout troop uses a type of digital badge to assess the lessons formatively as they go through scouts.  I like the idea in my classroom as well.  If I could come up with digital assessments, that in turn they would get a digital print out showing mastery or completion, it might be a unique formative assessment of how they are progressing with the material.  I also love how the one teacher uses google to make a badge table!  I really want to use that in the future!  I am going to plan a unit “flipping” the classroom where students will have the opportunity to earn badges for tasks on their own time that accompany work we are doing in class.

Here is the digital badge table that I created for this project:

And here is one of the digital badges that students could earn:
I really do think that because of the gamification, and competition, badging could be a unique way to add a little flavor or a different approach for a unit during the year.  It also would be a way for the students to earn a little token for mastery of the material which for some students might be the extra motivation they need.


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