678 Module 4 Discussion
Hello Class, I really enjoyed applying what we learned last week to our actual curriculum. I am already in the process of manipulating activities to be more PBL in nature and this project gave me another nice push in the right direction. This week, we were to develop one of the lessons a bit further towards a true PBL for the students. I teach two courses, Biology and Anatomy. However, in our Biology class we have an Anatomy unit. One of my activities, Patient Files, for the anatomy unit in Biology got me thinking.... What if I applied that principle on one activity in Biology to my entire Anatomy class? You guys still with me?? I am now thinking of actually starting off next year in my Anatomy course with a PBL that lasts the entire year. Basically it will look like this: Kids will get 6 patient profiles that they are supposed to see as medical professionals. As they learn more about each patient and their symptoms it will give me an oppor...