Module 1 discussion EEND 678

Hello class,

For this module we were asked to visit EdTech Update and choose an article that spoke to us, or one that we thought could help us in the classroom.  Wow, did one jump off the page for me... I chose the article: Developing a “National Geographic Explorer” Mindset in the Classroom.  I am a biology teacher and a huge fan of National Geographic and everything about their platform and general outlook on Life.  Although, I will admit the technology is not what I think about when I think National Geographic Explorer.  Even the picture at the top of the article of kids using nets in a body of water reminds me of one of our fieldtrips we take in my biology class.  I always talk about how you can learn so much more outside of these four walls (classroom), and how important it is in a life science class to get outside and experience LIFE.  After all, Biology is the study of life by definition.

So what did this article have to do with technology?  Well, National Geographic has set up an online platform to promote teachers discussing with other teachers and professionals about their field of expertise.  I even love the title of this online community as they call it National Geographics Educator Ecosystem.  I think the idea is wonderful not just to talk to other teachers in the same discipline as you, but also to get to talk to other professionals in the field.  In fact, I believe that is a place I could really improve my teaching skillset.  By collaborating with more teachers than the ones in my building, and in my classes at SFU, I have an opportunity to a wide variety of professionals with amazing ideas. 

The website also mentions something called micro-credentials.  As an educator you can submit and apply for these credentials as a content specialist.  Other teachers would then be able to benefit from your area of expertise.  National Geographic also offers online courses that you can take within your content area to learn how to bring more authentic instruction into your classroom.  By using real science happening in our world as examples and activities I could really strengthen the authenticity of my classroom. 

Although I think this online platform would help students meet many of the ISTE Standards, I feel like it is strongest in the Global Collaborative Standard.  I could imagine using this in class to get students to communicate with researchers in the field, other teachers, or possibly students from around the world.  Often we are stuck inside the boundaries of these four walls, but with technology we could branch out to any location in the world, and collaborate with experts and students researching in the field.  I believe these experiences would make the class so much more valuable and authentic.

Specifically, I can see many opportunities to apply it to my curriculum and classroom instruction.  Currently we go on a few field trips, but don't really have a lot of opportunities to talk with real scientists working in the field.  Imagine if I could use this educator ecosystem to connect students with professionals in the topics we discuss.  Such as an ecologist or naturalist for our ecology unit, or a doctor or nurse during our Anatomy unit.  The content instantly becomes more valuable when they see an authentic representation or first hand accound of how it is utilized in the real world.  Maybe some kind of Skype or a question forum that  kids could interact with these professionals would lead to research projects that the students could do here in class. 

I could also see myself using it as a means to collaborate beyond my PLC group here at the school.  Being able to pick the brains of science teachers from around the globe could really enhance my skill set and curriculum.  I would also find it exciting that I could share some of my own acitivities and ideas on this platform as well. 

Thank you,

Jim Nielsen

Developing a “National Geographic Explorer” Mindset in the Classroom


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