678 Artifact #1

Hello Class,

One of the most important assignments, and artifacts that I created was in module 4.  We were required to produce a PBL unit for a topic we currently teach in class.  This was difficult for me because I wasn't really familiar with PBL's until this class.  I did figure out that I really had been doing PBL type activities for a long time, just didn't really classify them as PBL's.

This assingment was so valuable to me because it produced the artifact attached at the bottom of this reflection.  That artifact led to the Anatomy group here at Waubonsie to start brainstorming a more authentic way to teach anatomy and introduce the topics we wanted them to learn about each symptom.  That is when we came up with the Patient Files as a means to drive the entire years lessons.

Basically, students will have the chance to view 6 patients at the beginning of the year and find ways to diagnose their ailments.  Through these symptoms, it will cause the need, or PROBLEM, that the students don't know all they need to know about the system the issue is affecting.  Therefore, they will need to learn about the body system to properly diagnose the disease or condition.  The students will think that they are coming up with the schedule and pathway, but it will be carefully planned and led by the instructor. 

I'm excited to try this out next year and acutally use this article in my classroom.  The authenticity of this PBL driven lesson is what makes it more powerful.  Hopefully it will promote engagement and also create a degree of interest in possible careers in medicine!

Thank you,

Jim Nielsen

Topic 1
Anatomy Unit Patient File
Essential Question
How does the body use negative feedback loops to maintain Homeostasis?
Possible Product/s
Patient File Presentation:  Biology students will be given a patient, that is presenting a variety of symptoms, that they are responsible for diagnosing. In a group of 2-3 students, they will work through the file and come up with a plan on how to treat the patient based on those symptoms.  From there, the group will need to rely on their knowledge obtained during the Anatomy Unit, as well as research they gather during the project, to present their findings to a medical board.  This is usually a couple teachers dressed up in lab coats. 
5 Ways to infuse Technology
1. Presentation software: Google slides, prezi, etc
2. Internet Search Engine for research
3. Could possible use a screencast to present findings
4. WeVideo interactions with a patient (acting out roles)
5. Show videos, lab results, x-rays, medical charts found online to diagnose results.
Topic 2
Design a Solution for an Environmental Issue we Face
Essential Question
How are Humans negatively impacting the Natural World?
Possible Product/s
Project Implementation Plan:  Students will act as Project Managers for a non for profit organization tasked with coming up with a plan to combat an environmental issue we face.  Examples of the project topics could be:  Deforestation, Palm Oil Production, Glacier loss, Ocean acidification, pollution,etc.
5 Ways to infuse Technology
1. TESteach.com lesson plan software.  Students could outline and present their Project Implementation plan
2.Pixton.com: online graphic comic/book maker where students could outline their plan.
3.  Beam.venngage.com: Online graph and chart maker.  One component of the assignment will be presenting data in a graphical form- this website helps you construct the graphs.
5.Prezi Presentation
Topic 3
Genetics: Design a Species Project
Essential Question
How are genes passed from one generation to the next?  How do new species evolve?
Possible Product/s
Species Profile Poster.  Students will be required to show off their knowledge about Patterns of Inheritance in this project.  They will design a brand new species found in a remote ecosystem on our planet.  Students will need to show speciation, Punnett square skills, pedigree making, and general knowledge of genetics and gene inheritance.
5 Ways to infuse Technology
1.Character Creator.  Website where you can design your own character using graphics choices and even drawing.  https://charactercreator.org
2.Progeny Genetics:  Online program for building Pedigrees.  One of the requirements for the project: https://pedigree.progenygenetics.com/
3.Punnett Square Calculator: Program for constructing Punnett Squares.  Student will use this to show genetic probabilities of the offspring: http://scienceprimer.com/punnett-square-calculator
4. Evernote: Online creative portfolio maker.  I am thinking of making this an option for students to display their final project.
5. ThreeRing:  Online art display where students can add pictures and videos.  Comments can be added by the teacher and suggestions for improvement. 


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