680 Artifact #1

Hello class,

For my first artifact I wanted to chose one that I am going to utilize going forward in my actual classroom.  None fit the bill better than module 6 and getting to design a classroom.  So much so, that with the help from another SFU course, I learned how to put together a grant and plan on combining the two lessons and possibly improving my room.  From a tech perspective, my room is stuck in the 1970's when it was built.  I have a new projector and internet capabilities, but could use a lot of help in the collaborative space department! 

Getting the opportunity to design a space that is more conducive to the 21st century learner was fun and very applicable to my room.  I am hoping with the grant I may be able to actually make some of these ideas come true.  Although my budget will probably be in the $1,000-$2,000 range in reality, I can still do some creative seating and tech stations that will improve the functionality, and desire to learn from my students.

Artifact link:

Insert picture of space to be redesigned

Description and Rationale behind the need for the Redesign.
My current classroom hasn’t been touched since it was built in the 1970’s.  It was designed to be a chemistry room with gas and water hook ups, but isn’t very useful for biology and anatomy.  Also, it doesn’t have a lot of tech space, or varied work environments.  I would like to use the money to improve on these 3 categories: 
  1. More suited for life science
  2. More tech space
  3. Creative work environments for collaboration and engagement with their peers.
The first overhaul will happen in the back lab area of the classroom. I will have all the gas and water lines ripped out to allow space for grow lights.  The trench will then be filled with clay pebbles and which will lead to a large 100 gallon pond.  This will allow us to start an aquaponics garden.  Students will be able to do many authentic labs and learn about sustainability through this lab area.  They will learn how to grow food, take water quality tests, and analyze data throughout the year.  It will be a major focal point of many lessons. 

Secondly, I would like to redesign the “lecture” area of the room to include more comfortable collaborative seating arrangements conducive to technology use and engagement.  I will purchase tables, and chairs that allow for working in lab groups.  These will also include power outlets for the use of chromebooks, microscopes, and other electronic devices.  They will also hook up to a tv for presentations at each station.  (picture provided)


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