680 Course Reflection

Hello Class,

First, congratulations on another great class!  My favorite part of my journey at SFU is the fact that much of what I learned this semester, and my classes in the past, I have already incorporated in my lessons this year or have plans for next school year.  That is the true definition of authentic learning, actually applying what I've learned in the field!  I hope my instruction in class mirrors this as well and students feel they apply what they learn in my Biology class in their everyday lives. 

I think this course in particular, 21st century Ed Leadership, has really pushed me beyond my comfort zone discussing many topics that I haven't had to come across in my profession yet.  Although I am a course leader dealing with a $3,000 budget every year, I often found myself in this class having to make decisions that were well "above my paygrade".  I know that I never want to be a department chair, or anything close to an administrative role, and this class really helped confirm that conviction.  I enjoy being in the classroom, not in meetings, hiring individuals, or making decisions on what is bought for an entire school or department. 

That isn't to say that this class didn't better me as a classroom educator.  I think if I had to pick one area of this course I enjoyed discussing the most it was the social media in the classroom modules (Modules 6 & 7).  They really had me thinking about the positives of social media from a community perspective.  I also loved hearing from you guys and how many of our opinions on social media lined up with one another. 

That was really true when it came to the use of Twitter in the classroom.  Although slightly safer, and the recommended social media tool in our building, none of my students actively use twitter and I would be willing to bet many of their parents don't either.  How useful is a tool used to convey information if the very people you are trying to reach don't utilize that App?  I have a Twitter account for my classroom but rarely use it for this very reason, and you guys echoed that concerned this class as well.

I think next year I am going to attempt to use Instagram in my classroom.  I will ask for permission and explain to them that it will reach way more of the people that care about what goes on in room 271.  I got some great ideas from you guys about the pitfalls of social media and how to avoid them, or how to get permission for pictures and how to make sure students are following digital citizenship guidelines. 

Thank you for a great semester and class and I truly enjoyed collaborating with all of you!  Have a great summer, and continued journey at SFU next year.  This is my final course, and I appreciate the wealth of knowledge I have obtained over the past 3 years!

Take Care,

Jim Nielsen


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