
680 Artifact #2

Hello Class, For my second artifact I chose to display my Module 5 Assignment where I had to utilize a student engagement with technology feedback form that I made in a previous module.  It allowed me to visit two classrooms and learn how teachers I work with are using technology in their classrooms.  Not only did I learn about their use of tech, collaboration, and engagement strategies... but I also learned 2 new tech tools that I am going to use in class.  EdPuzzle is applicable to any classroom, and in my Anatomy class I can use the program Poke-a muscle next year! This project made me realize how valuable it is visiting other educators and how we can all grow as professionals if we put down the walls and learn from one another.  It also made me realize that although this tool will be useful to use as an educator, I never want to go in to administration.  This class as a whole helped me to finalize that decision!  I want to be in the classroom with...

680 Artifact #1

Hello class, For my first artifact I wanted to chose one that I am going to utilize going forward in my actual classroom.  None fit the bill better than module 6 and getting to design a classroom.  So much so, that with the help from another SFU course, I learned how to put together a grant and plan on combining the two lessons and possibly improving my room.  From a tech perspective, my room is stuck in the 1970's when it was built.  I have a new projector and internet capabilities, but could use a lot of help in the collaborative space department!  Getting the opportunity to design a space that is more conducive to the 21st century learner was fun and very applicable to my room.  I am hoping with the grant I may be able to actually make some of these ideas come true.  Although my budget will probably be in the $1,000-$2,000 range in reality, I can still do some creative seating and tech stations that will improve the functionality, and desire to ...

678 Artifact 2

Hello Class,  For my article 2 selection I decided to pick the assignment that I utilized the most this semester.  During Module 2, we had to do a "tech tool hunt" and post 3 new tools that we would try utilizing in the classroom.  I was already looking to add more tech into my daily lessons, so this was just a push in that direction.  I am happy to say that I used all three of the tech tools I reviewed, but better yet have cherry picked through all of the other ones that my classmates selected.  Again, that is the most valuable part of this class, the discussions and ideas we learn about from our peers.   The tool I used the most was  With this tool you literally can turn any webpage into a lesson.  It is a Google extension which is perfect because we utilize chromebooks at our school.  You set it up by going to the webpage you want students to view, add questions, almost making it a webquest for that page , and even ...

678 Artifact #1

Hello Class, One of the most important assignments, and artifacts that I created was in module 4.  We were required to produce a PBL unit for a topic we currently teach in class.  This was difficult for me because I wasn't really familiar with PBL's until this class.  I did figure out that I really had been doing PBL type activities for a long time, just didn't really classify them as PBL's. This assingment was so valuable to me because it produced the artifact attached at the bottom of this reflection.  That artifact led to the Anatomy group here at Waubonsie to start brainstorming a more authentic way to teach anatomy and introduce the topics we wanted them to learn about each symptom.  That is when we came up with the Patient Files as a means to drive the entire years lessons. Basically, students will have the chance to view 6 patients at the beginning of the year and find ways to diagnose their ailments.  Through these symptoms, it will cause the n...

678 Course Reflection

Hello Class, First, congratulations on another great class!  My favorite part of my journey at SFU is the fact that much of what I learned this semester, and my classes in the past, I have already incorporated in my lessons this year or have plans for next school year.  That is the true definition of authentic learning, actually applying what I've learned in the field!  I hope my instruction in class mirrors this as well and students feel they apply what they learn in my Biology class in their everyday lives. In this class, 678, I learned so much about making my class more authentic to my students.  That was already a huge goal of mine before I started the course, but through our modules I developed a new game plan for next year to make every kid's experience in my class applicable and valuable in their life outside of school.  I joke all the time that I have an unfair advantage teaching life science... It's automatically about my student's lives.  Duri...

680 Course Reflection

Hello Class, First, congratulations on another great class!  My favorite part of my journey at SFU is the fact that much of what I learned this semester, and my classes in the past, I have already incorporated in my lessons this year or have plans for next school year.  That is the true definition of authentic learning, actually applying what I've learned in the field!  I hope my instruction in class mirrors this as well and students feel they apply what they learn in my Biology class in their everyday lives.  I think this course in particular, 21st century Ed Leadership, has really pushed me beyond my comfort zone discussing many topics that I haven't had to come across in my profession yet.  Although I am a course leader dealing with a $3,000 budget every year, I often found myself in this class having to make decisions that were well "above my paygrade".  I know that I never want to be a department chair, or anything close to an administrative role, ...

678 Module 8 Discussion

Hello Class, What a topic for this week's blog... Fake News.  Obviously, this saying has caught wind with our current President's use of the term at every press conference.  In fact, it is probably the only thing I agree with him on and understand what he is talking about... Especially as a science teacher! Teaching students about reputable websites or sources has always been a critical aspect of science education.  But now, more than ever, with the internet and freedom to publish any nonsense you want with social media, teaching the difference between credible and reliable resources is an extremely important aspect of the curriculum. So much so that I think my number 1 job as a science educator is to make more scientifically literate citizens.  This means that they need to be able to research, think and come up with their own conclusion based on real evidence.  This will determine many of their choices later in life.  Such as who they vote for, what ...